Gell Cell Charger


I have been using the 12 volt 5 amp gell cells as a voltage source, when I experiment with several different electronic circuits.

I experienced the problem of the 12 volt gell cell, losing some voltage after being used for several hours. This led me to trying to find

a charging circuit, on the internet, using Google, and going to Gell Cell Chargers. I found several circuits, and picked out the circuit

by KD5UDB which I built, and am now using. It has a voltage adjustment, as well as a current adjustment.

One of the problems that I had, after collecting the parts, was finding a one ohm resister. I solved the problem by putting,

ten, ten ohm resistors, in parallel. This gave me one ohm, which is used to sample the current. The circuit was built on perf.

(Perforated) board and I use it to recharge my 12 volt gell cells. Enclosed is a copy of the circuit.


Dave Ottenberg WA2DJN